NETSCOUT 雙喜臨門~ 贏得『威脅洞悉』與『無線監控』兩大獎項!

NETSCOUT 的 Arbor Edge Defense 被 Security Today 選為 2022 CyberSecured Award 的獲獎者。 NETSCOUT網路安全解決方案可阻止入站和出站威脅的能力受到高度認可,可有效成為組織的第一道和最後一道防線。

Security Today 2022 Cybersecure Award – NETSCOUT Arbor Edge Defense named winner for Network Security

NETSCOUT’s Arbor Edge Defense was selected as a winner for a 2022 CyberSecured Award by Security Today. The network security solution was recognized for its ability to stop both inbound and outbound threats, allowing it to act as the first and last line of defense for organizations.

NETSCOUT 獲得了 Frost & Sullivan 頒發的全球無線網路監控和服務保證最佳實踐領導者的最高獎項。 NETSCOUT 通過富有遠見的創新來滿足客戶的需求。

Frost & Sullivan - Global Wireless Network Monitoring and Service Assurance Company of the Year

NETSCOUT earned Frost & Sullivan’s top award as Best Practices Leader in the global wireless network monitoring and service assurance industry. NETSCOUT is addressing customer needs through visionary innovation.

Frost & Sullivan reserves this recognition for companies at the forefront of innovation and growth in their respective industries,” said Frost & Sullivan CEO Darrell Huntsman. “Driving innovation and growth is a difficult task made even harder by the strategic imperatives forcing change today, such as disruptive technologies, value chain compression, industry convergence, and new business models. In this context, NETSCOUT‘s recognition signifies an even greater accomplishment.”


詳情內容請洽 NETSCOUT 代理商逸盈科技

台北 02 6636-8889    新竹 03 621-5128

台中 04 3606-8999    高雄 07 976-8909

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